A dataset containing map information for the three counties represented in the accused_witches data set (not including present-day Maine locations) in simple features format. It also includes associated data on accusations. This data should never be used to analyze accusations. The data is based on modern town boundaries from the Massachuessetts Document Repository. Some simple cleaning has been done to facilitate basic mapping. Specifically, the names Salem Town and Salem Village are used rather than the modern Salem and Danvers. Additionally, a field, TOWN_LABEL is attached to the largest area for each town or community.
A data frame with 437 rows and 28 variables:
Name of town in upper case letters
ID of town
Type of municipality C = City or T = Town
Indicator for islands. Note that many towns have multiple polygons
YES for ocean polygon within town limits, NO otherwise
Codes allowing shading of all towns with 4 symbols
FIPS for state and county
US Census town code
FIPS town code
FIPS State & County & Census Town Code concatenated
FIPS County
Area in acres
Area in square miles
The perimeter in meters
The polygon area in square meters
Total accused
Number accused in February
Number accused in March
Number accused in April
Number accused in May
Number accused in June
Number accused in July
Number accused in August
Number accused in September
Number accused in October
Number accused in November
Town name to be used for labelling
Simple Features geometry
Complex analyses require the sf package, but simple mapping can be done using ggplot2.
FIPS refers to the Federal Information Processing Standard